Dr. Arian Ranjbar is an alumnus from Engineering Physics at Chalmers, and is currently looking for a PhD-student to join his group at University of Oslo/Ahus, working on artificial intelligence for healthcare. Ahus is the largest hospital in Norway, where a research platform has been developed enabling data mining and inference on real world production data. This provides a unique opportunity of building state of the art multimodal ML-models, using high quality and quantity data, with testing capabilities to prove real world effect.
UiO is one of the top ranking universities in Scandinavia, with a large data science and math community. In addition, there are several benefits of pursuing a PhD in Norway. Apart from significantly higher salaries, the studies are generally conducted over three years instead of five, with less institutional work required. For more information, and to submit your application, please see the links below or contact Arian at arian.ranjbar@medisin.uio.no.