Don’t forget to sign up for Flow Traders!

If a case evening with free dinner and drinks sounds interesting you should pay attention. On the 29th of September we will have Flow Traders here at Chalmers. A leading international trading house looking for people who can implement trading strategies with computer code. They come all over from Netherlands which shows that you as a Chalmers student are special.

Don’t miss this opportunity! Last date to sign up is on the 23rd of September. Attach an english version of your resume to the application. A perfect time to update the CV after the summer. The event is for students in their third year or higher at Engineering physics and Engineering mathematics.

More information can be found in this post.

Sign up on the Flow Traders website.


En kväll med McKinsey på Avenyn 25:e september

McKinsey har ett jättefint kontor på Avenyn i Göteborg. De bjuder in till sig för att snacka om hur det är att som kvinna arbeta på McKinsey. Du får träffa flera kvinnliga managementkonsulter och likasinnade studenter. Åk1-3 välkomna, först till kvarn gäller! Maila din anmälan till johanna_hovstadius på

Exclusive dinner session with Flow Traders – a leading international trading house.

Are you in the final year of your Bachelor or in your Master Degree, and do you have a clear interest in the global financial markets? Then join us for an exclusive dinner session the 29th of September!

Flow Traders is an independent ETF & ETC proprietary trading house with offices in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the US. We’re currently looking for new junior traders that would like to join us at our headquarters in Amsterdam. As a trader with Flow you manage and optimize our daily position (pricing and trading) in a wide range of financial products, including equities, bonds, derivatives and complex structured products. You formulate innovative trading strategies and – in close collaboration with our software engineers – develop trading models and tools that you will implement on the trading desk.

Find out all about Flow Traders at the Flow Dinner Session, organized for the students at Engineering physics, Engineering mathematics and Industrial engineering and management. Hear all about working at Flow, meet our traders, and compete for the highest revenue in the Trading Challenge; an interactive trading game that gives you the opportunity to understand our trading strategies.

WHAT: The Flow Dinner Session

WHEN: 29th of September 2014; 17:15 PM

FOR WHO: Students at Engineering physics, Engineering mathematics and Industrial engineering and management.


DINNER LOCATION: Golden-I at the section of Industrial Engineering and Management


FLOW TRADERS. Nothing beats winning.


Chalmeristmiddagen 2014 – såhär hade vi det

Årets Chalmeristmiddag har ägt rum och vilken härlig kväll det blev. Möten mellan den nyaste generationen F:are och människor som gått vår utbildning tidigare och kommit ut på “andra sidan”. Vi fick uppleva god mat och dryck i kårrestaurangen, sång av Bob-spexet och också inspirerande tal som alla fyllde en med sektionsstolthet och glädje. Vi från FARM tackar alla inblandade och hoppas att alla nollan fick med sig minst ett eget minne från sittningen som kommer vara kvar hela Chalmerstiden. Vi hade supertrevligt och kommer minnas Chalmeristmiddagen 2014 med ett leende. Här är några bilder som säger mer än ord!

ToastarToastar + sittningNollebrickor sittningNian